Item 69 – Salt and Pepper Nemeses

(SIDE-BY-SIDE) Salt and Pepper go so well together. They’re a match made in heaven. Let’s use the magical symbiotic powers of salt and pepper to unite two feuding personalities in art. Take two legendary nemeses and unite them on a cutting board or plate with one depicted in salt and one in pepper. If they still don’t get along in the picture, that’s okay. At least you tried.

Item 68 – Mixed-Up Fashion Skills

You didn’t get much sleep last night. Maybe you were stressed. Maybe the kids were up and down. Maybe your pet decided it would be fun to need to go to the bathroom outside multiple times. Whatever the case, when you got dressed this morning you were so tired EVERYTHING was cattywampus and it’s like you got dressed in the dark. Your shoes became a fashionable hat on your head, your pants turned into a fine scarf, and your shirt or jacket? They became tuxedo pants, short shorts, a skirt or some other lower extremity covering. Socks? Well those became gloves, we think. But you know best. What happened to your underwear? Did it become jewelry? A tie? A belt? Only you know. Show us how you put it all together. Impress us with mixed-up fashion skills.

Item 58 – #RandomActs4Holli

The GISH and Random Acts communities just lost one of our own to cancer: Holli was a dear friend, Gisher, and volunteer. She was also a longtime champion for food equity, so we’re taking up the mantle: Sign up to volunteer or make a donation to , the food bank where Holli devoted her time, or your local food bank or a food equity program while wearing a crown of holly, real or manufactured. Post a photo of you in your crown with proof of your donation on social media tagging @randomactsorg, #GISH, and #RandomActs4Holli.