Item 114 – Genomic in Situ Hybridization

As all Gishers know, GISH isn’t just the “Greatest International Scavenger Hunt,” it’s also genomic in situ hybridization, which is useful for differentiating genomes in a hybrid and also makes for some fascinating pictures. Depict the Beeline or another GISH hybrid as though utilizing GISH or multicolor (mc-GISH) diagramming techniques.

Item 109 – LGBTQIA Organization Volunteer Work

It gets better, but it gets better faster when we’re there for each other. Sign up to volunteer with The Trevor Project, True Colors United Community Initiative, or a similar local organization to help LGBTQIA young people. Submit evidence that you have applied. (If not available in your region, find something similar.)

Item 88 – Polished Coconut

Some things absolutely should be polished, and some things should not. Until now, it has been pretty much universally agreed that coconuts should not be polished. But we are never bound by tradition! Go polish a coconut. Like, to the point that it doesn’t even look like a coconut any more, but now it looks like a really-really-highly-polished coconut.