Item 39 – Lost Train of Thought

Create at least one MISSING flyer for a “LOST TRAIN OF THOUGHT” with at least 15 tear-off tabs at the bottom; on each tab should be your team name and a single, repeated word— it can be a verb, noun, conjunction— you get the idea. Post the location of your flyer(s) on the GISH app AND social media tagged #LostTrainOfThought, then search for other teams’ flyers and collect at least 3 tear-off tabs from 3 different flyers (don’t take more than one tab off any flyer you find and don’t tear a tab of your team’s flyer). Arrange the pieces you’ve collected into a short statement or short collaborative poem, which you should submit as an image. The more unique tabs you collect from different flyers, the higher the points you’ll receive.


Behind the Scenes

Item 12 – Pet Memorial

Many of us have lost pets in our lifetime. As a memorial to a loved pet that is now frolicking in the clouds chasing or sniffing whatever it was that pet liked to chase/sniff, write a poem or haiku about that loved one, or create a small shrine in nature comprised of items the dog loved and a photo of him or her.

Item 72 – Twitter Poetry Chain

Item 72 - Twitter Poetry Chain

I’m going to tweet something to you on Wednesday, August 3rd in the afternoon. Or morning. Or evening. I’m not sure. Anyway, you must pass it on when you see it that day (PDT time zone). Submit a screenshot of your post.

Specifically: As some of you may know, I’ve published a few poems in my day. I fancy myself a wordsmith, but what with shooting, parenting, Gishwhes, and all the [REDACTED BY THE NSA IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY] I’ve been doing lately, I’ve been a little too busy to cozy up with my journal and pen for a quiet writing session. Fortunately, crowdsourcing is “in”, so I’m going to crowdsource my next award-winning poem and I’m counting on all of you to help me make it publication-worthy.

Sometime today, I’ll tweet the first stanza (four lines) of my poem. Choose one member of your team to write the next 2 lines of my poem by retweeting with a comment. Then, that person will tag one another person to write the next 2 lines of the poem, and so on. Each line of the poem must be exactly the same meter as my original work. Get 14 people (including yourself) to contribute to my epic, Pulitizer-prize worthy poem. (At 32 lines, the poem should feel complete. If you have absentee team members you may recruit up to 3 non-team members to fill out your stanzas. Screen shot all 32 lines, beginning with my tweet, for your submission. Oh, and it should be stylistically in the vein of Yeats-meets-Kipling. (The Pulitzer people will eat that up.)