20,000 Leeks Under the Sea. Make an epic sea monster entirely from onions.
Tag: cryptid
Item 203 – Papier-Mâché Cryptid
All campers know that there are odd things out there in the woods. Make a life-sized cryptid out of papier-mache and place it in a wooded area — or in a loved one’s bathtub or closet, as a fun surprise.
Item 129 – Terrorarium
Create a terrorarium, filled with things that go bump in the night.
Item 97 – Salt Cryptid
In Supernatural, Sam and Dean use salt to fight against the bad guys. Depict a cryptid or monster using only salt. – Ashlynn A.
Item 69 – Amabie
Let’s Tulpa COVID out of existence. Create your own artistic version of the Amabie, a Japanese monster said to cure disease if a picture of it is displayed. You may use any medium. – Laura B
Item 24 – Swamp Creature

Sophie Prestigiacomo creates mysterious swamp creatures out of mud and moss in the Gulf of Morbihan in France. But these massive mud creatures aren’t only indigenous to this region. The proof: there was one in your yard this morning.
Item 22 – Personal Struggle Cryptid

Depict something you struggle with (mental health issues, a personal issue, etc) as a strange cryptid you encountered in the woods. Portray yourself befriending it as a new camp buddy or defeating it powerfully.