Item 166 – #WaywardAF #BadassAF


Being #WaywardAF sometimes means being #BadassAF. Take a picture of you doing something you have ALWAYS wanted to do but were afraid to try. Caption your photo with a short explanation and post it to Twitter tagging @OfficialBrianaB and @kimrhodes4real. – Briana Buckmaster and Kim Rhodes

Lucinda has always wanted to create her own GISHWHES items, so she went meta and assigned personalized challenges to various team members.

Custom Hunt Items


Item 166.1 - Foam Armor

Jim – Craft & wear either a helmet or breastplate made of foam.


Item 166.3 - Strong and Beautiful Witch

Kyla – Show us what it means to be a strong & beautiful witch.

I went meta on your meta, Lou.

I’ve always wanted to share a picture of myself post-breakdown.

A few friends were concerned that this image was too sad to convey strength. I want to challenge that idea. I used to work really hard not to feel my feelings because it wasn’t strong. I think my ability to feel is one of my greatest strengths now, and I want to share that.

In my intimate circle of witch sisters, I’m a famous for epic breakdowns. Whatever I’m feeling, I feel to the fullest. It’s been a big piece of my spiritual journey to reclaim my emotional sensitivity as a power (and not see it as a huge inconvenience to me and everyone else) but it is a gift… so many people shared with me the beauty and strength they felt in witnessing me go to my fullest – and how it felt when I brought them there too. This is one more step on the path to reclaiming my full self, sharing this with GISHWHES. On Thursday, I dressed up as a zombie for work, then got in the car and screamed my throat sore over heartbreak, then sobbed and sobbed, then pulled it together for an ocean scene burrito eating Cali perfection shot – then more tears, and a captured photo of the wreckage. All in a day’s work for a strong and beautiful witch. We just keep going, and living, and feeling it all, and that’s the legacy I want to leave.

Oh, and the moon, because she gets it too.

<3 Thank you for this incredibly special and personal GISH opportunity.


Item 166.4 - Chicken Cosplay

Jojo – I want to see your chickens cosplaying.


Item 166.5 - Ariel and Eric Cosplay

Mario – You & Jenny as either Mario & Princess Peach or Ariel & Prince Eric. (Extra credit if you flip a coin to find out who’s who)

Behind the Scenes

Item 99 – Save the Bees

Item 99 - Save the Bees

The bees are disappearing from our planet. This is particularly tragic for gishers, given our reliance on honey for getting things to stick to our skin (oh yeah, and also because we kind of need them to pollinate the flowering plants on Earth, which we depend on for food). Help save the bees by establishing a milkweed garden, creating a painting or mural honoring bees, helping out at your local apiary, protesting the use of glysophates, supporting an organization dedicated to bee preservation, or in any other way you see fit.

Jamie put together this Crowdrise campaign to help plant new bee habitats. Bee pollination is basically how food works, so I’d highly recommend sending over your support! This campaign extends beyond the duration of GISHWHES 2016, so it’s never too late to contribute.

Team Apokaleypse Crowdrise Page

Also check out deezbees for more cursory info on bees.

Item 75 – Mouse Spa

The tiny kitchen trend is all the rage, but what about tiny bathrooms? Give a full spa experience to a hedgehog, hamster, or mouse, all using tiny spa implements in your tiny spa. (Remember, the customer is always right— so don’t make them do anything they aren’t happy to do including bathing them in water!)

GISHWHES Takes Tumblr – Item 3 – Erudite Pets–cleverest/145767638311

GIF: Silly cat videos are all the rage on the Internet. But if you’ll notice, viral pet memes always make our pets look silly or grumpy or crazy. Let’s turn the tide on this. Create a captioned .gif of your pet that makes them appear exceedingly erudite, sophisticated and distinguished. Feel free to use eye glasses, pocket protectors and any other props that may help convey your pet’s true intellectualism.