Item 42 – Tom Skittleston

After seeing your decades of Skittles portraits, the God of Mischief has commissioned one in his likeness, but you’re nothing if not a rebel. Create a portrait of Tom Skittleston—we mean Hiddleston—in costume out of Skittles…AND M&Ms. Your move, Loki. Post it to social media tagging @TWHiddleston, @skittles, @MMsChocolate, and #GISH. Submit your original photo to us with a link to your post in comments.

Behind the scenes

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Item 39 – Ecstatic Poem

As you may have heard, I’m releasing my first poetry book in October, “Some Things I Still Can’t Tell You.” This is obviously a shameless plug, but also a call to action: there’s something loving you’ve always meant to tell someone in your life, but you haven’t been able to summon up the right words. This is your chance: Write an ecstatic poem to convey how you truly feel and then share it with them. You can submit just the poem or you reading the poem to them (with their okay to share their reaction).

Item 35 – #GISHPersonalChallenge

(UP TO 2 MINUTES) In December 2020, we challenged Gishers to a #GISHPersonalChallenge, tackling something they’ve always wanted to do or learn but had put off. Show us what you’ve accomplished in the last 8 months in an epic Rocky-style montage. If no one on your team has taken the challenge, start now and show us what you learn this week.

Item 31 – Cloud Art

Cloud art. You know how you sometimes see a shape in the clouds that no one else seems to see. Let’s idiot-proof it: take a picture of a section of clouds and then highlight what you see. Oh! Forgot to mention, you are actually “hunting” for something given that this is a scavenger hunt. Go find a shape in the clouds that depicts a creature with “wings” – can be human, bird, insect, or mythological beast.