Item 50 – VR Teaser

Virtual reality interfaces are absolutely amazing. The technology is mind-blowing. Using virtual reality and augmented headsets like the Hololens and Oculus, I have stood on the surface of Mars at Jet Propulsion Laboratories and examined the undercarriage of the Mars Rover, been in the eye of a hurricane, and have been attacked by heavily-armed 19th-century militia. It’s mind-blowing. Your task is to create a virtual reality experience totally unlike any VR experience to date. This video will require a super-short, adrenalin-pumping intro-teaser, which will let the viewers know that they are about to experience VR like never before. THEN, abruptly cut to a 360-degree clip of the most mundane activity you can imagine. BORE US TO DEATH.

Behind the Scenes

Item 47 – Junk Food Photo

Item 47 - Junk Food Photo

Submit two images, side-by-side. Recreate a famous, iconic photo from junk food. For example, you could submit the black and white photo of Einstein sticking out his tongue, next to another photo of your best attempt to recreate that photo using various junk foods as your paints. I hope that makes sense. For some reason it sounds confusing as I type it. But you have to somehow figure out what I mean here and then do it. Best of luck.

Item 45 – All Holidays’ Day

Item 45 - All Holidays' Day

Isn’t it great to get your friends and family together for the holidays?! But it’s so hard! Sometimes all you can manage is getting everyone together for one holiday a year. But then you have to choose a holiday, and that’s so hard, too! Wait a minute… not if you decide to celebrate ALL holidays in that one night! Let’s see that night. – Inspired by Nicole Bowman

Behind the Scenes

Item 35 – Playlist for John

In support of the documentary “Alive Inside,” find one person with Alzheimer’s or some form of dementia and learn what their favorite tunes were when they were young. Make them a playlist of those songs and play it for them.

Behind the Scenes

Extended Cut

Full Song Playlist

Playlist for John

  1. Percy Faith and His Orchestra – Theme from “A Summer Place”
  2. Bing Crosby – Swingin’ On a Star
  3. US Marine Band – The Thunderer
  4. Johnny Mercer – Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive
  5. Dora Luz – You Belong to My Heart
  6. Glenn Miller and his Orchestra – In the Mood (The Chesterfield Broadcasts)
  7. The Andrews Sisters – Rum and Coca-Cola
  8. The American Military Band – Anchors Aweigh

Item 34 – Ackles Skittle

Item 34 - Ackles Skittle

We’ve seen Jensen Ackles portraits in Skittles. What about Jensen Ackles on Skittles? Draw a tiny Ackles on a single Skittle. Post a photo of the Skittle portrait in the palm of your hand.

Continue reading Item 34 – Ackles Skittle

Item 29 – Bottled Air

Item 29 - Bottled Air

Recently there has been a lot of news about bottled water and how much of it is just urban tap water sold in a bottle with a fancy label. It’s an unregulated sham. That said, it seems like a pretty good way to make a buck, but at this point the bottled water market is pretty saturated. Set up a stand on a public walkway to sell “fresh air” from your city in bottles with compelling labels.