Since we can no longer give each other big, warm, cuddly hugs, it’s time we invent the official hug or hug routine of social distancing. Props, noises, physical impossibiliites… they are all welcome. Let’s see two people warmly “embracing” each other with “the new COVID hug” (obviously from a distance of at least 6 feet).
Category: Videos
Video submissions. Usually an embedded YouTube link.
Item 46 – Child Cutting Hair
TIMELAPSE. I recently let my children take the reins on my personal grooming and I’ve never felt better about not being able to go outside among other people. They say misery loves company, so now it’s your turn: let the youngest person in your household that’s old enough to use scissors cut your hair and document the experience. (Don’t advise them. After all, they’re the expert.)
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 44 – #GISHHOWL
Time for the annual Howl at the Zoom. 8 PM PT! Be there. Join the Head Wolf & Misha Collins for a howling good time! Then submit a video of your global howl- or if you missed it, send us your best lone wolf howl.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 42 – Social Distancing Spoon Feeding
Here comes the airplane! A child feeding an adult soup, pudding, or cereal using CDC-recommended distancing guidelines of at least 6 feet away – the longer the “spoon,” the better.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 41 – Quarantine Quitchen
Quarantine Quitchen: GISH Edition! Get a child under 6 to raid your pantry and select 3 ingredients, then let them teach you how to make a very special dish with those ingredients and some spices. YOU HAVE TO EAT IT. Post it and tag @AltonBrown and #GISHQuarantineQuitchen. Submit the video, not the post.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 39 – Video Pals Show-and-Tell
You’ve heard of pen pals… what about video pals? A lot of people in nursing homes and retirement homes are feeling isolated and scared right now. Most residential care facilities have very strict isolation in place. No visitors allowed, not leaving the premises, etc. Coordinate remotely with a local retirement home or elder care home and play a game of “show and tell” with a random nursing home resident to find at least 3 things you have in common.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 37 – House Mess Short Film
While you’re working from home, your conference calls show a professional background of books, flowers, artwork. But we all know deep down that that’s a facade: we all are just struggling to hold it together and sometimes, things like cleanliness and orderliness fall by the wayside so that may not be an entirely accurate depiction of what the rest of your abode looks like. What happens when the camera is rotated off your video conference call 180 degrees? Show us – shot dramatically as a tense suspension short film. – Marty
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 34 – Zoombie Meeting
As all Gishers know, “Zoombie” is the latest in zombie videoconferencing. Let’s see one.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 28 – Eat a Condiment Painting
Recreate a famous painting using only condiments from your kitchen, on an edible surface. (Show us your artwork. Then eat it.) – Brenda P.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 24 – Tampon Jenga
Tampon Jenga. (You may not unwrap them — this is not a time to be wasteful.)