Let’s see you Zoom an acapella concert of you and some or all of your teammates doing perfectly synchronized (meaning you all start at the same moment) ‘gargling’ of milk for exactly 10 seconds of whatever your national anthem might be. – Inspired by Ashtynn A.
Category: Videos
Video submissions. Usually an embedded YouTube link.
Item 19 – House Travel Ad
Your home is more than your castle. It’s swiftly becoming a sovereign nation, and like every nation, it needs a tourism board. Create a one-page brochure or video advertising travel to your house as a coveted destination.
This submission was featured on the GISH Hall of Fame 2020 May Mini Hunt!
Item 18 – Tsukumogami
STOP-MOTION. In Japanese culture, there is the belief that after 100 years of service, objects receive a soul and become self-aware, a ‘tsukumogami.’ So after all that time, they deserve a vacation. Personify an object in your house and take it on an incredible virtual or real adventure (something like this, but you can’t do THIS exact thing now).
Item 16 – Socially-Distant Cake Candle-Blower
Blowing out candles on a birthday cake is unsanitary and so ‘2019.’ Luckily, you’ve designed an incredibly clever and ingenious device (Rube Goldberg or otherwise) that will blow out candles while you are standing at least 6 feet away. (No fans or hair dryers allowed). Let’s see it in action.
Item 15 – GISH Insta-Party Projectile Delivery System
Quarantine birthday parties used to be a bummer, but thanks to the GISH Insta-Party Projectile Delivery SystemTM, staying far away is no problem! ‘Launch’ a virtual birthday party including a present and a decorated cake or cupcake to the Birthday Person (in person, at least 12 feet away).
Item 9 – Stressed-Out Stress Management
Anxiety and stress are at a new high due to the pandemic. People deal with stress differently but we all need to be doing something, and right now we should be doing a lot more of it. Show us one thing you do to manage your stress – for example, squeezing a stress ball. But do that thing so furiously that just watching your video stresses me out. (Of course, now you can’t do that suggestion. Sorry…)
Item 5 – Pet Zoom Interview
Everyone working from home claims that their pets are their new ‘co-workers’, but were they ever properly interviewed for the position? Conduct a Zoom job interview with a friend’s pet for a new position within your household.
Item 3 – Rice Words
SLO-MO. Mundobax’s Rice Words is a visual treat. Elevate the world: write a word using his methods to uplift others, but because we’re a no-waste hunt, please capture all that rice, cook it and eat it (I recommend trying to make congee, I always do when I’m trying to impress someone).
Item 1 – Foliage Crown
You know those videos where they pass around an object to a few different people and they each demonstrate a different imaginary or real use of that object? No? Well, it’s epic, but we can’t remember the name of it. Let’s “next level” this and do it on Zoom with some or all of your teammates. Virtually “pass” a ‘Foliage Crown or Hat’ around on zoom. Each headpiece must be different and they all must be wearable. The first person to pass something should just be handing off a handful of weeds. Every person thereafter should “receive” a different headpiece, put it on, take it off and ‘pass’ it to the next person in the Zoom.
GISH Play-at-Home April 2020 YouTube Playlist
One convenient place to watch all our YouTube submissions from the GISH 1-Day Play-at-Home Scavenger Hunt series!