LISH 2016 – Item 11 – New Podcast Review

Creating something for the enjoyment of others is a difficult thing to do, made harder by not always getting encouraging feedback. PODCAST EDITION: Find a podcast on iTunes that you’ve never listened to and that doesn’t yet have any reviews. Listen to as many episodes as you feel necessary to inform your opinion and leave a sincere five-star review (if it doesn’t deserve five stars, find another podcast that does; no negativity or dishonesty in this item). Send a screenshot of your review, complete with write-up.



LISH 2016 – Item 1 – Dinosaurs at a Historic Site

Visit a historic site you’ve never been to before. Learn about its history and take photographs. Use the photographs in a collage depicting the history of the location. All people in the collage must be depicted as dinosaurs. Caption the image with a brief history of the site.


Item 176 – Dog on LinkedIn

Item 176 - Dog on LinkedIn

Every year William Shatner hosts The Hollywood Horse show celebrating the unique and special work of therapeutic riding animals. It’s about time your freeloader pet got a job and moved out. Show us their career trajectory by writing a formal resume highlighting their special skills and qualifications. Post it on LinkedIn. Get ten people to give a recommendation.

Item 175 – Change a Life – Syria

Item 175 - Change a Life


We’ve created a Crowdrise page here DONATIONS ARE 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND 100% OF THE DONATIONS GOES TO THE FAMILIES. The Gishwhes Item is to create a fundraising “page” for your team, where family, friends and others can donate. Since this is Gishwhes and there’s always an extra twist with everything we do, here’s the deal: we also want you to get OTHERS to donate to your team’s crowdrise page. We know you don’t need “points” as an incentive to help these families, but since it is part of the Hunt, we want to maximize the power of these points to help: start a page and try to get at least 10 donations from people or businesses NOT on your team. You and your team members are welcome to donate to your campaign, but that is not a requirement for points— the Item requirement is to get at least 10 people to make a cumulative total of least 10 donations who are NOT on your team. There is no minimum for these donations, but let’s please encourage others to be generous so we can make a profound impact. SUBMIT a screenshot of your team’s page with a minimum of 10 donations on it. (To initially create a fundraising team, click the FUNDRAISE FOR THIS CAMPAIGN button.).

If for any reason your team is unable to (or chooses not to) join this crowdrise campaign, you may still get points for this Item by collecting goods or volunteering at least 2 hours of your time with any refugee aid organization that is providing relief to refugees. SUBMIT PROOF YOU HAVE DONE THIS. For example, Spark Ontario’s Warm Welcome program (, Deutsche Kleiderstiftung (Clothing Foundation) in Germany ( ), or ref.connect’s cultural integration program ( in Germany. You do not need to use these specific programs to qualify for points; these are just examples— any legitimate organization helping refugees is acceptable. Thank you for being a part of this. We hope you join us in helping to change these families’ circumstances for the better and we will be sending Gishers updates on their situation in the coming months and years.

The hunt is now over, but your support is always appreciated! Khouloud and Khawla are two Syrian refugees whose families need our help. Check out our donation page for full details on their stories and donation links:

Team Apokaleypse Crowdrise Page

We would appreciate any amount you can give to this effort. Though this was technically a task in a silly scavenger hunt with a point value, the bigger point is to help out two (now four!) families in need. Any amount you can donate is appreciated, and makes a bigger difference than can be stated.

Item 174 – Erdös Certificate 2016

Item 174 - Erdös Certificate

We here at gishwhes feel that it’s important to embrace A.I. because – let’s be honest – it just feels good. We also feel it’s important to be able to identify species other than our own when the time comes (soon) that aliens arrive (likely borough or splatter) on our planet. If we can’t make these differentiations, we put ourself at extreme risk of interstellar species misidentification (a plight none of us should be subjected to nor a party of). Accordingly, please treat this item and the ensuing exercise with the respect and devotion it deserves. You’ll also get points. So there’s that. If that’s still not enough, know that this is part of a legitimate research paper that will further scientific research methods worldwide. If it’s not clear, Gishwhes likes supporting science in addition to stormtrooper humiliation, weird food art, and global kindness.

Item 168 – Butterfly Bra Model for Hope Chest

Item 168 - Butterfly Bra Model for Hope Chest

At Hope Chest they create butterflies and transform lives Channeling your inner Monet, pen a message of hope with colored ink on a white bra. Then, channel your inner supermodel and stage a public photo shoot of someone wearing this “support undergarment.” (You may wear a shirt underneath it if you prefer and you must adhere to local laws. Please note that Gishwhes does not provide bail money.) Once completed, submit your image on the gishwhes website and also tweet to @MyHopeChest your awesome results on the final day of the game. Extra points for incorporating butterflies into the design. – Ruth Connell

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