You’ve heard of finger painting, but nose painting is the latest rage in the art world. Using non-toxic paints, “nose-paint” a lovely realistic (not abstract!) painting on a large piece of paper or canvas. Submit a photo of the finished product next to your unwashed face. Bonus points if it’s a plein air painting you make in a busy public location.
Category: Images
Image submissions. Photos, artwork, screenshots. Other things?
Item 31 – #NeverTooOld
They say you’re too old to do that, but who cares what “they” say? You’ve always wanted to do it, so Do it… and have a blast! Show us on social media using both hashtags: #GISH #NeverTooOld
Behind the Scenes
Item 27 – Beard Garden
Beard garden. – Sarah K.
Behind the Scenes
Item 25 – Domiknitrix
We’ve seen a dominatrix, but what about a domiKNITrix? Show us the whips, the chains, corsets, the… yarn? Yep. Everything must be lovingly handcrafted from yarn.
Behind the Scenes
Item 21 – Matching Painting Avatars
Use the GISH APP for this item if possible. Starting on Tuesday morning at 9AM PDT change your avatar to your favorite painting by Cezanne, Monet or Van Gogh. Find someone on the planet (who is not on your team) who has uploaded the exact same painting. Don’t change your painting once you’ve picked it or plan out your painting in advance with other gishers. That’s not the point of this Item. Screenshot your profile page (and have them do the same) and then submit them side by side. Your team must have at least 6 individuals with matching paintings. (Not on the GISH App? Take on this Item on social media tagged #GISHWorkOfArt.)
Item 20 – Change a Life – Rwanda
CHANGE A LIFE. Each year, Gishers come together to “Change A Life”, making a profound positive impact in the life of someone facing extraordinary hardship. In the past, you’ve helped a wounded warrior rebuild his family’s life, rescued homeless Syrian refugee families, and saved a ballet school in a poverty-ridden township South Africa to help at-risk students.
This year, Random Acts is teaming with GISH and Giles Duley’s Legacy of War to help change the lives of women who’ve survived incredible hardship and loss: survivors of genocide in Rwanda.
Together, we’re going to help a group of 100 hardworking women (many of them widowed from the genocide) build a sustainable farming cooperative and market, allowing them to achieve their dream of economic stability and independence. We need to raise $108,000. Let’s do it!
We’ve created a Crowdrise page here: DONATIONS ARE 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE, AND 100% OF THE DONATIONS GOES TO THE RWANDAN GENOCIDE SURVIVORS (for countries other than the U.S., deductions are contingent on your laws).
Your GISH Item is:
Using the link above, create a Fundraising “page” for your team, and get family, friends, and others can donate. Since this is GISH and there’s always an extra twist to everything we do, here’s the deal: we also want you to get OTHERS to donate to your Crowdrise page. We know you don’t need “points” as an incentive to help these families, but since it is part of the Hunt, we want to maximize the power of these points to help.
Get at least 10 donations from friends, family, individuals or businesses NOT on your team. You and your team members are welcome to donate to your campaign, but that is not a requirement for points— the Item requirement is to get at least 10 people to make a cumulative total of least 10 donations from donors who are NOT on your team. There is no minimum to donate for GISH purposes, but Crowdrise does require a minimum $10 donation be collected, and let’s all please encourage others to be generous so we can make a profound impact. SUBMIT a screenshot of your team’s page with a minimum of 10 donations on it. (To initially create a fundraising team, click the FUNDRAISE FOR THIS CAMPAIGN button.)
If for any reason your team is unable to (or chooses not to) join this Crowdrise campaign, you may still get points for this Item by collecting goods or volunteering at least two hours of your time with any relief organization providing relief to anyone directly impacted by acts of war— refugees, disabled veterans, etc. SUBMIT PROOF YOU HAVE DONE THIS.(108 POINTS)
If your team is in the top 10% of number of donations or dollar amount, you’ll receive double points for this Item, so get in on this.
Item 18 – Cartoon Cosplay
Let’s see you in a situation that we have seen in a cartoon. Freeze frame the cartoon image next to your photo.
Item 17 – Peace Team
It’s a FUNDRAISING FLASH FLOOD! Peace Tea has partnered with Random Acts to create a deluge of kindness messages across social media. For each like on their Instagram or Facebook “Peace Team’s” links (on the page below), they’ll donate $1. For each share on Facebook or comment on Instagram, they’ll donate $2 to Random Acts. Your assignment: Convince at least 10 people (including members of your team) to go to each post and like, comment and/or share. Then upload a single image compilation of screenshots with every person’s contribution so we can track it.
Instagram Post #1:
Instagram Post #2:
Instagram Post #3:
Facebook Post #1:
Facebook Post #2:
Facebook Post #3:
Item 16 – The Rebel Appliance
Mis-quotes are so embarrassing! Everybody thinks Darth said, “ You are a part of the rebel alliance…” But what he really said was, “…the rebel appliance.” Show us how your toaster or vacuum helped vanquish the Dark side.
Behind the Scenes
Item 14 – Puffy Socks
Tom Cruise is getting up there in years— and at advanced ages, sliding on a slippery floor in your socks gives a whole new meaning to the term, “Risky Business.” But luckily, Gishers are here to help! Your mission possible: Use puffy paint to add tread to the bottoms of socks so seniors don’t slide their way into an injury at care facilities. Deliver them and show us a photo of your creation along with a gift recipient.