Item 83 – Wabi-sabi

In Japanese traditional aesthetics, the term wabi-sabi ( is a world view ( centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection and is sometimes described as one of beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”. Each day of the Hunt week, collect small items that represent this notion to you and create a still life out of them to celebrate life’s so-called “flaws” and all.

Item 64 – City Namesakes

On Twitter, @EugeneLeeYang submitted a proposal to have a gathering of people in blue jeans in Eugene, OR. While brilliant, we think this effort should be more inclusive. Gather as many people as you can named after a city or town in the city or town named for them with an obvious tie-in. (Franciscan monks in San Francisco, Angels in Los Angeles, and so on.) Bonus points to the biggest gathering and most awesome tie-in.