Item 37 – Cooking Challenge

What’s something that you’ve never cooked or baked because it just seemed too daunting or difficult? Something you would never even begin to attempt to create no matter how good a chef you were. Cook that thing. Submit a side-by-side image showing what you created in one image; in the other, an example of an expert-level creation of the same food.

Item 33 – My Merit Badges

You have Merit, too! There are so many things you know how to do, and do well — as well as many things that you are just good at naturally, like being a good friend. Create a sash and decorate it with two or more merit badges identifying all the things about yourself that you are proud of. If the badges don’t make it clear, make sure to list their meaning in a footnote at the bottom of the image.

Item 32 – Loved One Merit Badge

(SIDE-BY-SIDE) Your loved ones have merit. There are so many things that are great about them! Create a merit badge for at least one person in your life showcasing a quality about them that you really love, and then present it to them (over Zoom is fine). Submit the close-up of the badge and the image of your friend receiving it, with a footnote describing what it signifies, if it is not obvious.