KIDS MENU (UP TO ONE MINUTE) Interview your stuffed animals. Find out what they like best about living in your room.
Category: Images
Image submissions. Photos, artwork, screenshots. Other things?
Item 217 – Kids Menu – Book-Balancing
KIDS MENU How many books can you balance on your head? Take a picture to prove it.
Item 215 – Fairy Housemate Photo Evidence
KIDS MENU There’s a tiny fairy secretly living in your house! Take a picture of the proof.
Item 214 – Kids Menu – Great GISH Leaf Census
KIDS MENU It’s time for the Great GISH Leaf Census! How many different kinds of leaves are in your backyard? Count them, then take a photo of one of each leaf arranged on the kitchen table.
Item 212 – Kids Menu – Bad Imaginary Friend
KIDS MENU. Your imaginary friend has been up to trouble again. Draw a picture or take a photo showing what they did (and you definitely didn’t do).
Item 211 – Kids Menu – Beautiful but Stinky
KIDS MENU. Find something that looks beautiful, but smells really bad. Take a picture of you smelling it.
Item 210 – Kids Menu – Fridge Sorting
KIDS MENU. Line up every item in the door of the refrigerator from shortest to tallest.
Item 209 – Kids Menu – 10 Yellow Items
KIDS MENU. Find 10 different things that are all yellow and arrange them into a pretty picture.
Item 207 – Work of Art Cosplay
We miss museums. Cosplay as your favorite character in your favorite work of art (painting or sculpture that one would find in a museum). You (as this character) can be doing something mundane or majestic. Who wouldn’t want to see the Mona Lisa giving a rousing speech against discrimination or the Statue of David (privates covered of course) ironing clothing?
Item 203 – Papier-Mâché Cryptid
All campers know that there are odd things out there in the woods. Make a life-sized cryptid out of papier-mache and place it in a wooded area — or in a loved one’s bathtub or closet, as a fun surprise.