Item 58 – Library of Congress Veteran History Project

(Up to 60 seconds) Contribute to the Library of Congress Veteran History Project. Virtually connect with a veteran in your life and interview them about the best decision they ever made on a whim and what happened. – Jenni J.

Item 54 – Backward Chores

Reports have circulated that NASA recently discovered a ‘parallel universe where time runs backward’. Let’s see proof. Let’s see you performing your household chores backwards. You are not allowed to submit a video in reverse. It must be you actually doing a chore that would be nearly impossible in reverse. (For example, washing dishes but they progressively get dirtier, etc. but now you can’t use that).

Item 50 – Videoconference Tea Party

The conference may be virtual, but you’re together in reali-tea. Hold a videoconference tea party with four participants: Align the images of all participants in a grid so that you seamlessly interact. Pour tea from one recipient into the frame of another, pass objects such as scones or cakes’ you get the idea.