I’m sure the marketing photography for frozen meals is totally accurate, but just to make sure it’s all on the up-and-up, microwave a frozen meal from your freezer and take a photo of it next to the photo shown on the box. I’m sure they will look exactly the same, just like mine did but this is just to double-check.
Category: GISH Play-at-Home 2020-04
Submissions from the GISH 1-Day Play-at-Home Scavenger Hunt, held during the COVID-19 Pandemic in April 2020.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 13 – Quarantine Friend
Remember Tom Hanks in “Castaway”? Remember Wilson the volleyball? Well, we’re all going through something similar now. We’re alone and WE ARE LOSING OUR MINDS. We’ve started talking to household objects. We’ve started dressing them up and giving them names. Show us your new quarantine friend.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 12 – Crocheted Replica Household Item
It’s so frustrating when you misplace things around the house. There’s only one solution: Make a backup! Crochet or knit an EXACT replica of a treasured household item (such as the TV remote, your car keys, a favorite photograph, etc) that you’d rather not lose track of. It may NOT be a fabric item (such as a sock) and you must show us the yarn replica and the original together in a single image.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 11 – Don’t Stand So Close to Me Videoconference
People say it’s impossible to sing well in groups on videoconference calls because of delays. Prove people wrong. Let’s see at least 4 people singing 30 seconds of “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” by The Police on a videoconference call. It must be perfectly harmonized and synchronized!
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 10 – Deliver Morning Paper in Bed
Wake up! It’s time to deliver the morning paper, on a bike, in your house, to a loved one in bed. (You’ve got a lot of deliveries to make, so you’ll have to toss it at them as you cruise by.)
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 9 – Construct a Child’s Fantasy Castle
Children have massive imaginations, so let’s give them the real estate to build a magical realm. Construct a castle out of popsicle sticks, cardboard, cards, or other (preferably recycled) materials and have them pose, dressed as their fantasy character, next to their new land acquisition.
Behind the Scenes
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 8 – Teach a Child a Skill over Videoconference
Find a friend with a child and teach that child something you’re an expert in (pottery making, how to play an instrument, drawing, rocket science, and thermodynamics, etc.) over video conference. Send us a screengrab of you teaching the child… or if it’s a skill, send a video of you doing the skill and then the child doing the skill.
Continue reading GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 8 – Teach a Child a Skill over Videoconference
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 6 – Hot Zoom Date
You and your hot date are dressed to the nines. The lighting and setting are incredibly romantic. Now’s the time for you to move in for that first passionate kiss. One challenge: you’re videoconferencing with your date and you’re each in a different video frame. Let’s see you pull off your physically distanced first kiss.
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 5 – Zoom Juggle
Now that we’re all locked down, many people are saying it’s quite challenging to juggle home life with work life. Let’s prove them wrong. Let’s see at least three members of your team juggling at the same time on a video conference call (each of them in a different video square – Zoom works for this). If none of you know-how, you have 24 hours to learn. Go!
GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 4 – Pet Special Activity
Normally, your pet is NEVER allowed to do this under ANY circumstances. But, of course, these are NOT normal times.