My favorite poet, Mary Oliver, passed away recently. In tribute, make a video showcasing the top highlights of your team’s week and end it with the quote “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Inspired by The Plaid Fox
Category: GISH 2019
Submissions from GISH 2019.
Item 182 – Tip of your Tongue
You know that feeling, when there’s a word on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t seem to say it? Show us that word. On the tip of your tongue. – @baileysaurusrex
Item 178 – S’mores Code
When you want to say something sweet to your loved one, you always use s’mores code.
Item 176 – Avocado Leather Purse
You look so festive with your “real avocado leather” purse or shoes made from avocado peels. – Inspired by Debbie M.
Item 171 – Wedding Play-By-Play
(Up to 30 seconds) Get a well-known sportscaster to do a play-by-play for a real wedding.
Item 167 – Impact of Melting Letters in Icebergs on Climate Change
TIMELAPSE. Last year, we suggested Gishers melt a message into a glacier or iceberg with a laser and received lots of complaints. We now recognize that people melting words into icebergs for scavenger hunts is one of the biggest problems facing our environment today. Have a climate scientist calculate the volume of water produced by, let’s say, 10,000 people melting eleven 6’ tall letters, 2” deep in an iceberg. Then have them calculate the amount of water produced by the additional melting caused by a .5 degree global temperature increase. Show us the numbers and analysis so we know how bad Misha should feel.
Item 165 – Rambo Tick
Apparently, once upon a time, the US government weaponized ticks. (Really.) Show us a pinboard with an example of a tiny, weaponized tick, complete with Rambo-style military gear and assault rifles.
Item 162 – Trash Self-Portraits
GRID. Thomas Deininger makes amazing representational sculptures out of found objects. Using EVERY piece of non-recyclable, inorganic trash you generate during the Hunt, create a 3-dimensional, representational self-portrait. EVERY member of your team must do this.
Item 160 – Lunar Ticks
The lunar ticks are in the hall… Pink Floyd knew what was up. Show us what the lunar ticks on the dark side of the moon look like (you know, because you have a specimen preserved in a jar in your front hall.)
Item 159 – Right a Great American Novel
Right a great American novel. This is not a typo.