Item 10 – GISH Global Secret Santa

It’s time for GISH Global Secret Santa. Create a list of 10 things you wish you had that would make your life (or the life of someone you love) easier. Make sure you have some inexpensive things in there. Post this list in the “FAVORITE QUOTE” section of your profile on the GISH app. Then, click around app users near you to look for their wishlists. Try to find one that has an item that you have (or that you can acquire) and give it to them to make their life easier. Contact that gisher and tell them you want to gift them one of their items. Post an image of the gisher with the item you gave them before the end of the hunt (with a sign that has their username). Not on the GISH app? Get it at or do this one on social media instead, tagged #GISHSecretSanta.

Item 19 – Face Your Fears

CALLING ALL GISHERS: There’s one Thing you have always wanted to do, but you’re scared. Maybe it’s skydiving, riding a motorcycle, holding a tarantula, singing in public, or cliff diving… You get the idea. By the end of GISH week at least 3 gishers on your team will spit in the eye of fear, vanquish it and do their Thing. Submit a video compilation of each member of your team first explaining what they are scared to try (before they do it) and then, after they Do the Thing, telling us how it went.

Continue reading Item 19 – Face Your Fears

Item 13 – Contagious Laughter

Laughter is contagious, and you’re “patient zero.” Lay on your back and have someone put their head on your stomach. Then keep adding to the chain of people (heads on stomachs) and make the longest chain of people you can— minimum 10 people. Then give a deep, sustained, belly laugh and let it ripple through your chain. Bonus points for the laughter chain with most participants, so spread the mirth like there is no cure. Post your video on social media using #GISHTHEBESTMEDICINE. Submit your video to us along with a link to your social media post in the comment field.

Behind the Scenes

Change a Life – Rwanda

Each year, Gishers come together to “Change A Life”, making a profound positive impact in the life of someone facing extraordinary hardship. In the past, you’ve helped a wounded warrior rebuild his family’s life, rescued homeless Syrian refugee families, and saved a ballet school in a poverty-ridden township South Africa to help at-risk students.

This year, Random Acts is teaming with GISH and Giles Duley’s Legacy of War to help change the lives of women who’ve survived incredible hardship and loss: survivors of genocide in Rwanda.

Together, we’re going to help a group of 100 hardworking women (many of them widowed from the genocide) build a sustainable farming cooperative and market, allowing them to achieve their dream of economic stability and independence. We need to raise $108,000. Let’s do it!

We’ve created a Crowdrise page here:

DONATIONS ARE 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE, AND 100% OF THE DONATIONS GOES TO THE RWANDAN GENOCIDE SURVIVORS (for countries other than the U.S., deductions are contingent on your laws).

This may be for fake points in a silly scavenger hunt, but your donations really can make a difference in someone’s life, and are greatly appreciated.

GISH 2018 is here!

To all who wander this way, welcome to Team Apokaleypse’s Internet scavenger hunt archive! Currently we’re all busily working on the latest challenges for GISH 2018, and once the Hunt is done, we’ll be sharing all the fun items we’ve come up with. In the meantime, feel free to look around at our past years’ submissions.

If you were directed here by our Lost Train of Thought flyer and have no idea what’s going on: hey there. You seem pretty cool. Maybe download the GISH app to get a glimpse at all the craziness, and consider signing up for the Hunt next year. We’d all love to have you.