It’s time for the Toothpick Stick Figure Olympics! Showcase toothpick stick figures engaging in Olympic sports as the judges look on (archery, basketball, skiing, fencing, figure skating, etc.).
Category: GISH 2018
Submissions from GISH 2018.
Item 45 – Boring Horror Movie Trailer
Make a super scary movie trailer of a visit to somewhere completely boring or normal (like a DMV – but now you can’t use that). You are not allowed to use any “jump scare” scare tactics, or actors. The suspense can only be created via how you shoot ordinary objects or people, and the score.
Item 44 – Melon Hat
Wearing a melon on your melon is the cool new fashion trend. At a Farmers Market, sport the most intricate “Melon Hat” the world has ever seen.
Behind the Scenes
Item 43 – Stormtrooper Yoga
Modern stormtroopers are so much more enlightened these days. They’re in touch with their “new age” side and have their chakras aligned. In fact, you just spotted one teaching a yoga class or leading some other new-age class.
Item 41 – Solve a Childhood Mystery
Find the answer to a question you’ve been wondering about since you were a child. If it’s not clear, caption your submission with the mystery you’ve finally been able to solve after all these years. PS: You’re not allowed to Google it. No search engines or technology allowed. Find out some other way. – Inspired by Kaela R.
Item 40 – Bird McMansion
Sure, birdhouses are great, but modern urban birds need more diversity in housing. Create a bird high rise apartment building, bird trailer park, or bird McMansion.
Behind the Scenes
Item 39 – Lost Train of Thought
Create at least one MISSING flyer for a “LOST TRAIN OF THOUGHT” with at least 15 tear-off tabs at the bottom; on each tab should be your team name and a single, repeated word— it can be a verb, noun, conjunction— you get the idea. Post the location of your flyer(s) on the GISH app AND social media tagged #LostTrainOfThought, then search for other teams’ flyers and collect at least 3 tear-off tabs from 3 different flyers (don’t take more than one tab off any flyer you find and don’t tear a tab of your team’s flyer). Arrange the pieces you’ve collected into a short statement or short collaborative poem, which you should submit as an image. The more unique tabs you collect from different flyers, the higher the points you’ll receive.
Behind the Scenes
Item 38 – Wind Chime of Household Items
Create a stunning wind chime using unique household items. – Hannah T.
Item 36 – Mosaic Toilet
It’s Home Improvement time! Why are toilets always white? Beautify a toilet with mosaic tile (either with broken tiles or tiny tiles) to give it some vitality and warmth.
Behind the Scenes
Item 34 – Nose-Painting
You’ve heard of finger painting, but nose painting is the latest rage in the art world. Using non-toxic paints, “nose-paint” a lovely realistic (not abstract!) painting on a large piece of paper or canvas. Submit a photo of the finished product next to your unwashed face. Bonus points if it’s a plein air painting you make in a busy public location.