A moving soliloquy from Oedipus T-Rex.
Category: GISH 2018
Submissions from GISH 2018.
Item 56 – Googly-Eyed Digger
Put giant googly eyes (must be over 3 feet in diameter) on an excavator or digger. Let’s see a video of it in action. – Stephanie P.
Item 55 – Jensen Ackles Skittles Watercolor
Using only skittles soaked in water for paint, create a portrait of Jensen Ackles on watercolor paper.
Item 54 – Wedding Cake Rocket
“Love lifts us up where we belong.” Now that you’re getting hitched, it’s time to make the cliche a reality. Create a fully decorated wedding cake that is also a fully functioning rocket. The cake must be at least 3 layers high, made of real cake, and traditionally decorated, and must be successfully launched at least 6 feet in the air—the higher it goes, the better.
Behind the Scenes
Item 53 – History Jog
Are you fast enough to break the space-time continuum? It’s time to find out. Run down the clock & run out of time… literally. Go for a jog or move backward through the ages; as you run, your surroundings must reflect different historical eras. (You can use green screen for this if you wish).
Behind the Scenes
Item 52 – Helicopter Parents
Helicopter parents.
Behind the Scenes
Item 51 – Raisin Challenge
Misha is always trying to prove that anything with raisins is much better! CLEARLY he’s wrong. Using raisins, show us what shouldn’t go together with raisins and then eat it. #RaisinChallenge – Putri N.
Item 50 – Rock Pillar
I can’t believe you balanced that many rocks in one pillar in your backyard!
Item 49 – Petal Portrait
Make a portrait of an actor, politician, or public figure that inspires you most out of flower petals. Then, tweet a picture or post an Instagram picture of your portrait to them with the hashtag #GISHspired.
Item 48 – Human Rainbow
Connect with at least 6 people from opposing teams in your area to create a human rainbow in a public space. Each team’s representative(s) must be entirely clad in a different color, (one team should be red, one orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). All participating teams get the points. Somewhere in the picture, include a sign with a message of love, unity, and support for the LGBTQIA members of our community. Accompanying text must list usernames of all participants. Post your rainbow moment on social media using: #GISHumanity