Care homes, rehab facilities, and hospitals have many patients and clients who can’t read for themselves. Contact a local center and offer your services to read for an hour or two (or more) during the Hunt Week. If photo evidence with the patient is a sensitive issue, ask the care staff for a photo or documentary evidence of your contribution. – Monica Duff
Category: 2016
Item 7 – Pineapple Jogger
Are you still jogging occasionally? Good. Be sure to try out this year’s latest fashion craze: pineapple shell shoes with matching pineapple caps to protect you from the sun. Let’s see you (carefully) jogging in public.
Item 6 – Child Family Portrait Cosplay
Submit two images, side-by-side. If you have or know a child under 6, have them draw a family portrait. Now, get your family to pose EXACTLY as they drew you all in the drawing. Try to replicate the clothing, individual heights and anything you need to do or add to your bodies to contort them to what the child drew.
Behind the Scenes
Item 4 – Better Dentist’s Office Music
Item 1 – Make Your Significant Other Smile
There’s something you used to do for your significant other when you first met them. Something that made them smile… It’s been years since you did this. Do it now.
GISHWHES Takes Tumblr – Item 10 – Self-Argument
TEXT. In a “chat” post, reveal a true, fervently held opinion on a topic you feel strongly about.. Great! Now, in the same post, use the chat feature of Tumblr to argue with yourself to advocate the opposite position. You must kick your self’s ass all over the place with your argument. Your comments against yourself must elicit subsequent comments from other users imploring you to “stop hating.” (original item post)
GISHWHES Takes Tumblr – Item 6 – Precious Supernatural Moments
IMAGE. A gory scene from supernatural, recreated using Precious Moments figurines. or in the style of Precious Moments™. You can create your own photoshopped images or artistically created paintings or drawings of Precious Moments figurines or deface real ones.
GISHWHES Takes Tumblr – Item 5 – Inner Disney Princess
Unleash your own inner Disney princess by breaking into song while going about your routine in a public place (clothes or grocery shopping, going for a jog, DMV, clearing tables at a restaurant, riding on public transportation, walking through your school library or lunch room, etc.) Engage as many of your own “local villagers” as possible as you sing about what you want out of life. (original item post)
Behind the Scenes
YouTube upload of Mario’s submission
GISHWHES Takes Tumblr – Item 3 – Erudite Pets
GISHWHES Takes Tumblr – Item 1 – Reaction GIF