VIDEO. (Time-lapse). Dress as a Matryoshka doll then strip layers off.
VIDEO. (Time-lapse). Dress as a Matryoshka doll then strip layers off.
IMAGE (edited side-by-side image). Challenge a movie theater employee: If you beat them in an arm-wrestling competition, they have to give you a free ticket. If they beat you, you’ll buy one. Either way, you get to see a movie. The images should be of you arm-wrestling across the counter and then you enjoying your movie.
VIDEO. “Jump the shark”. You will be penalized if you are bitten or eaten by a shark, so plan accordingly. (Liberal interpretations of this item are encouraged.)
IMAGE (three edited side-by-side-by-side images). Collect fruit from a tree on from which the fruit hangs over a public sidewalk. Make jam from the fruit. Eat it. (Provide 3 photos edited into one image).
Behind the Scenes
VIDEO. Pressure wash something you really shouldn’t pressure wash. -Cassidy Johnson