IMAGE. Well done! You’ve just managed to catch a rare “Popcorn Child Monster” on camera.
Behind the Scenes
Submissions from GISHWHES 2014. Our team was originally two separate groups, merged together by the Powers That Gish and dubbed “Team RachmonesLovesNeptune-pirates”.
IMAGE. Well done! You’ve just managed to catch a rare “Popcorn Child Monster” on camera.
Behind the Scenes
VIDEO (20 seconds). Get everyone on a subway, bus or train car to sing “Over the River and Through the Woods.” There must be at least 8 passengers and it must not be staged (i.e. this must be a random collection of commuters, not your friends).
IMAGE. Based on the Internet, which is always super reliable and never wrong, each year almost 100,000 people are saved by out-of-hospital CPR in the US alone… from everything from choking on food to heart attacks. Get an online or offline CPR certification. It only takes an hour or two to do it online (Internet search for “online CPR certification”); however, the Interwebs say it’s more thorough if you go into an actual class (among many other organizations, the Red Cross and YMCA’s host classes). Your choice. Submit an image of you holding up your Certificate. Bonus points if you do it with a friend.
IMAGE. You are off to a most elegant formal evening gala. Disaster strikes! Your outfit is ruined! Dress yourself in an outfit fit for such an evening, using only items found in your bathroom. -Hutchinson
Behind the Scenes
VIDEO (slow motion). Set to opera music, stage a water balloon fight between 10 or more participants all wearing business suits.
Behind the Scenes
VIDEO (time-lapse 20 seconds). Assemble a puzzle with a minimum of 50 pieces in one sitting. The video must show the box with more than 50 pieces and then you putting the puzzle together. For ease of assembly you must be wearing wool mittens or gloves throughout the assembly of the puzzle.
IMAGE. Find an object that you’re holding onto for all the wrong reasons. Destroy it mightily.
IMAGE. You and your four friends are a five-headed monster with all of your heads poking out of one collar of a giant shirt. Now do yard work.
Behind the Scenes
VIDEO or IMAGE. Clearly your bicycle is underwhelming you with its current performance. Convert your bicycle into a warp-speed spacecraft. Ride it.
Behind the Scenes