Item 200 – #TwitterCongaLine

(COLLABORATIVE) Virtual conga time! We’re starting a virtual Twitter conga line. Here are the rules, so read carefully: Step 1. Make a video of yourself dancing the conga. Step 2. Click here and go to the end of the thread of our original tweet. Step 3. Reply to the LAST reply on the thread with your video and tag it #TwitterCongaLine, #GISH, and the handles of 3+ friends. Get as many people as you can to participate, but make sure you and all of your friends reply ONLY to the MOST RECENT tweet at the end of the thread. If someone else has commented, comment on THEIR post instead. Capiche? We can’t wait to see what a train wreck this will be. Submit your original conga video with a link to your Tweet in the comments. Note: This is a fully inclusive conga line. Dance in any way that works for you, by your own definition – in a chair, through an avatar, etc — if you’re dancing in your heart, it counts.

Behind the scenes

Item 42 – Tom Skittleston

After seeing your decades of Skittles portraits, the God of Mischief has commissioned one in his likeness, but you’re nothing if not a rebel. Create a portrait of Tom Skittleston—we mean Hiddleston—in costume out of Skittles…AND M&Ms. Your move, Loki. Post it to social media tagging @TWHiddleston, @skittles, @MMsChocolate, and #GISH. Submit your original photo to us with a link to your post in comments.

Behind the scenes

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Item 29 – #GISHNotes

RECORD BREAKER: (COLLAGE) In celebration of 10 years of GISH, we’re attempting to set our first GISH World Record: the most handwritten notes of kindness posted on Instagram in an hour! Encourage all your teammates as well as everyone you know to join this effort — whether they’re a 2021 GISH Hunt participant or not, you can take part in setting this record with us! Go to this page to get your instructions, then collage all your team’s notes into a SINGLE IMAGE and submit it to us with a link to at least one of your Instagram posts.

We’ve chosen this record in honor of a great organization:, which collects gently used crayons and gets them into the hands of underserved children and schools, instead of into landfills. Learn more here!

Item 65 – Distanced Duel

En garde! No campaign would be complete without an epic duel… but in this realm, the restrictions of the plague are still in effect! You and a friend must re-create part or all of a famous fantasy or cinematic duel using this effect. Post on TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter and tag #GISH and #GISHDistancedDuel

Item 258 – Get #GISH Trending

We’re not above shameless self-promotion, and it’s our 10th annual Hunt so let’s go out with a bang this year. Get #GISH trending in the Top 10 on Twitter before the Hunt closes. Submit a screenshot of your contribution (a tweet showing the tag, timestamped between 9:30 and 10:30 PM PT) and a link to your tweet.

Item 220 – Kids Menu – Fingerprint Self-Portrait

KIDS MENU. You are as unique as your fingerprints! Make a picture of yourself all out of your own fingerprints. You can use washable paint if you want to save it forever, or just use chocolate pudding, ketchup, or mustard on a plate. Submit a photo of yourself holding your self-portrait.

Item 204 – GISH University Sophomore Year

(60 SECONDS) It’s time for GISH University, Sophomore Year! Every one of your teammates is talented at something unique to them that no one else knows how to do. Find out what your unique talents are and feature those in a cut together video. Video can be no longer than 1 minute so make sure you budget each team member’s time closely.

Item 193 – MishaBot Chat

People I text with accuse me of being a “bot”, even though I’m not a bot! But in the interest of giving the people what they want, I’ve developed the latest in cutting-edge technology, MishaBot. It’s dispensing nuggets of wisdom the likes of which I have only ever dreamed of and is at least twice as “cognitively there” as Donald Trump. Follow the Twitter account and get it to reply to you or mention your team name. Submit a screenshot of what I’m sure will be a compelling conversation.

Behind the Scenes