Item 22 – Jared RAD-alecki

PUZZLE. YOU LOOK RADISHING! – Jen K and Richard M-W. [SOLVED!] Item 22:
Jared RAD-alecki
For this GISH homage to Oaxaca’s Night of the Radishes, you’ll be carving your very own Jared RAD-alecki out of a radish in three steps.

1. Get a small carving knife as sharp as Jared’s jawline. A genuine RAD-alecki takes careful knifework, so be careful!
2. Remove the top and roots of the radish and replant it to ensure a future crop of RAD-aleckis.
3. Carve the remaining radish into your best artistic interpretation of Jared Padalecki.

Item 172 – GISHY Cooking

(UP TO 30 SECONDS) As you may know, this year my family unveiled “The Adventurous Eaters Club Cookbook” to help teach people to be curious, healthy eaters — and to help families in disadvantaged situations to get access to healthy food. (100% of the profits from the book go to charities.) But the most important recipe in the book is the recipe for adventure. Create a 30-second video in the style of Buzzfeed “Tasty” cooking videos showing the most adventurous, irreverent recipe you can come up with using AT LEAST 1 food you have never tried before and feed it to a quarantine compadre (or if you’re alone, eat it yourself). End it with a title card that says “GISHY.” Our favorite adventurous cooking videos will win a free copy of “The Adventurous Eaters Club Cookbook”!

Item 157 – Storytelling in Photography – Self-Portrait

In our April Hunt, our beloved friend, photographer and humanitarian Giles Duley, hosted a ‘storytelling in photography’ panel in which he spoke of the empowering act of turning the camera on yourself (literally or metaphorically) to tell your own story. (If you missed it, you can watch it HERE.) It’s time to take a page out of Giles’ book: create a self-portrait that accurately illustrates some facet of yourself and your story that you would like to reclaim to empower yourself. Caption the portrait in a footnote that explains briefly what your image communicates.

Item 37 – Cooking Challenge

What’s something that you’ve never cooked or baked because it just seemed too daunting or difficult? Something you would never even begin to attempt to create no matter how good a chef you were. Cook that thing. Submit a side-by-side image showing what you created in one image; in the other, an example of an expert-level creation of the same food.

GISH Play-at-Home Round 1 – Item 31 – Trash Portrait

Don’t take the trash out!! Instead, use it to create a beautiful portrait of someone famous you admire. You may use pencil shavings, fireplace ash, used coffee grounds, grass clippings, dryer lint, etc. When you’re done, post it on social media and tag them and @GISH. Submit an image of your artwork. – Deidra L.