World’s Fair? More like World’s HAIR! Recreate an iconic World’s Fair or Exposition structure such as the Unisphere, the Flushing Meadows towers, The Eiffel Tower, etc) on your head, using your hair.
Author: apokaleypse
Item 19 – Dadaist Joke
You’ve heard of Dad Jokes. Tell a Dadaist joke.
Item 16 – Compliment Jar
You’ve seen “take a penny, leave a penny” dishes, but in the GISH economy, we trade in good vibes. If it’s safe to go out in your community, create and install a “take a compliment, leave a compliment” station at a cashier’s station complete with paper, writing utensils, etc.
Item 14 – Pets Run the Household
Humans have run the show for long enough and we’ve messed up the planet, but could any animal do better? Show us a scene of what it’d be like if your pets ran your household.
Item 12 – Onion Sea Monster
20,000 Leeks Under the Sea. Make an epic sea monster entirely from onions.
Item 9 – Hanging 10 Delivery
Hawaiian Thunderstorm Artis has long supported charities like Surfing the Nation, whose Feeding the Hungry program helps feed hundreds of Hawaiians in need. Catch the wave of kindness: Surf your pantry for ingredients and make a meal for someone you know who needs some support. (NOTE: If you cannot safely do this due to pandemic restrictions, you can also provide groceries instead to receive your Points.) Submit a photo of you, in beach attire, “hanging 10” with your meal.
Item 5 – Balance Ambigram
Flipping your perspective can help you overcome a challenge. Create an ambigram featuring two words that help you regain balance. The first word should be something you struggle with and the second word, one that brings you peace. Bonus points if you also get it tattooed (permanent or temporary tattoos will both be accepted due to covid).
Item 3 – Indigenous People Article
Our histories shape us, but often we don’t know the history of where we live. Reach out to an Indigenous-led resource and write a one-page article about the autochthonous people of your region. (If you are Indigenous, we welcome you to share your family’s history.) Cite your sources. Then, if you are able, make a contribution to Rainbow House ( or an Indigenous group in your community. Submit your article with a note about your contribution in the comments.
Item 10 – Embrace Your Fears
Embrace your fears. Literally.
Item 6 – Movie Monster Yoga
ZOOM LIVESCREAM. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 3:30 PM PT: Scaryoga & Costume Party with Rachel Grant Jackson!
Click here to join the zoom when live
Livescream Challenge: Even monsters have to align their chakras. Show us a movie monster doing yoga.