Item 119 – Saturn in Opposition

Time to put a ring on it: At 2:00AM ET on Monday, August 2, Saturn will be in opposition. Capture the best photograph that you can of the planet Saturn at the moment of closest approach to Earth. Image processing (e.g. image stacking, focus stacking) is allowed, but the source images must be acquired within 12 hours of opposition (so you can do this one from anywhere in the world). – Dave L.

Item 117 – Can Opener Key Donation

If there’s a key, then there must also be a lock: too many food banks get donations of canned goods, but that presumes that people experiencing homelessness have access to can openers. Help unlock access to food for people in need: donate a manual can opener decorated as a beautiful “key” along with some non-perishable food, if you CAN.

Item 114 – Genomic in Situ Hybridization

As all Gishers know, GISH isn’t just the “Greatest International Scavenger Hunt,” it’s also genomic in situ hybridization, which is useful for differentiating genomes in a hybrid and also makes for some fascinating pictures. Depict the Beeline or another GISH hybrid as though utilizing GISH or multicolor (mc-GISH) diagramming techniques.

Item 113 – Kissing Portrait

(TIMELAPSE) Create a portrait that is at least 4×4’ of your favorite celebrity (can’t be an actor from Supernatural or any well-known professional mime), drawn entirely by kissing the canvas/paper while wearing brightly colored lipsticks. Post it on social media tagging #GISH and the celebrity in question, then submit your original image and your link in the comments. (If you’d rather not kiss them, you can paint it in the style of Chuck Close and use your toeprints instead.)

Item 109 – LGBTQIA Organization Volunteer Work

It gets better, but it gets better faster when we’re there for each other. Sign up to volunteer with The Trevor Project, True Colors United Community Initiative, or a similar local organization to help LGBTQIA young people. Submit evidence that you have applied. (If not available in your region, find something similar.)

Item 95 – Beeline Shimeji

Create a shimeji of a GISH mascot or Supernatural character and show it in action. Submit your video and a link to download your shimeji.

Follow these instructions to use our Beeline shimeji:

  1. Download Shimeji-ee.
  2. Download our custom Beeline image set and extract it to the img folder.
  3. Run Shimeji-ee.jar.
  4. Right-click the tray icon and go to Settings > Choose Shimeji.
  5. Select Beeline and close the window. If you hear buzzing, it works!